Family Picture

Family Picture

Monday, February 6, 2012

Karios moments

After reading this article, I began noticing all the kairos moments I have with Taylor. Like, as I'm rocking her (yes, I still do this some nights) just before bed and I'm singing, she has started to sing with me. I'll sing Jesus Loves Me, and she'll sing Jesus, Jesus, Bible. I also sing You Are My Sunshine and she'll sing Sunshine, Sunshine, Happy, Love, Sunshine. These moments just make me smile and my heart almost bursts with joy!

Also, one morning a couple of weeks ago, as we were headed off to work and school, she kissed and hugged me several times inside the house. Then, after we all walked out together and she was headed to Daddy's truck, she wanted to kiss and hug me again. So, I bent down and we hugged and kissed and she began walking off. Just as I was about to stand back up, she turned around with a twinkle in her eye and ran back, arms wide open, for one last hug and kiss. She does this many mornings, but not quite like that. My heart was full and I could only praise God all the way to work for this amazing little girl and life that he's blessed me with. I thanked Him for the clothes he has put on our backs (even the ones I had left in the washer all night and needed to rewash), for the husband that's a wonderful and engaged father, for the little girl that gave her mommy so many hugs and kisses I was late to work, and for the job that I get to go to everyday and actually enjoy.

Thank you, Lord!

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