As I mentioned in my last post, we were waiting for the results of the amnio at 36 weeks. We found out he failed and failed pretty badly, at least according to my research. I was extremely disappointed since I was so ready to have him. That news also made me very scared because I just knew I would go into labor before the next test (9 days later due to Labor Day) since I had gone before that time with both girls. I was scared about going into labor because of GBS, but also because of his lungs since I now knew they weren't ready.
After a brief cry session and letting our prayer army know, I began to feel better. I actually slept that night, and I know that was due to all of the people praying for us. I felt much more peace throughout that week than I did the week before. I had been praying that if he was ready, he would pass and since he didn't, I had to let it go and not worry. Easier said than done, but with everyone's prayers and lots of reminding myself what I had been praying for, I was able to be more at peace.
Monday night, September 1st, I thought I was going into labor. I was the last one up and started having contractions. Not much different than I'd been having, but they usually came when I was up doing stuff. These started while I was sitting on the couch watching TV. I also thought there was a possibility my water had broken. Of course, that was another issue throughout the pregnancy, so I wasn't sure. After a few more contractions and checking my underwear and seeing wetness, I went to wake up Adam and we went to the hospital. By that time, I was convinced my water had broken and I was in labor. But, no. After several hours at the hospital, they sent us back home. Thankfully we had our amnio the next day and Baron passed that one! We found out about 10:00 Tuesday night that we needed to be there at 8:00 the next morning for scheduled delivery at 9:30!
The next morning we got there and got set up in our room only to be told that they were running behind and didn't know when I'd get back for delivery. They hooked me up to the monitor and a round of antibiotics and we waited. We had a bunch of visitors throughout the morning to keep us company though. About 1:00, I finally decided to take a nap, but wouldn't you know, they came to get me about 15 minutes later! It was go time!
Goofing off while we wait |
They took me back to do the spinal and get things ready for the surgery while Adam suited up. Going back there, especially by myself, was very stressful. I started crying almost immediately. I don't know if the people in the room knew my history or not, but they kept asking me what was wrong.
While I loved the hospital and the care we received, I was at a teaching hospital and the residents were performing the spinal and surgery. The resident giving my spinal took FOREVER. He said it was the first one that day he didn't get the first time. Why that had to be me, who knows! I could hear the fellow and the attending behind me guiding him. I thought, "Why don't you just do it at this point??!!". He finally got it in and they laid me down and started turning up the anesthesia. I finally couldn't feel anything below my chest and they went to get Adam.
Ready to go! |
A lot of these pictures are blurry because Adam would just barely peek above the drap and snap a picture.
Even though I had a c-section with Leah, I had been in labor and she was further down. They had to lean on my chest and push Baron down. When the nurse was doing that, I couldn't breathe! I was not expecting any of that! Leah was out in no time at all and it took a while for Baron to be delivered. A while is probably just a few minutes, but it felt a lot longer compared to how quickly Leah was out.
I lost it even more when I first heard him cry. He only cried once and then I didn't hear him again for a minute and got super nervous. Then, he let it out and didn't stop. The only person really paying attention to me was the Fellow anesthesiologist since he was by my head. One set of nurses and doctors was working on me, another set on Baron and Adam was with Baron. I just wanted someone to bring me my baby!
Ha! Peeing everywhere already! |
Finally getting to see my baby boy! |
So happy! So overwhelmed with emotion! |
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I put make-up on that morning just for pictures, but with all the crying leading up to delivery and between when he was born and brought to me, my mascara was everywhere! |
Lots more post-birth pictures below!
Cutting off cord |
Getting footprints! |
Taylor was so ready to meet her baby brother! She decided she had to be there to introduce everyone else to Baron and would go back and forth to the waiting room to get the next person. She was so funny! The first person, after Taylor, to come back was Hilary, then my dad. I asked them how they got past the grandmothers!
There were too many cute pictures of Taylor holding Baron for the first time that I couldn't pick just a couple!
The pediatrician we had seen so far continued to take care of him. When she came in the next morning, she said she couldn't believe this had happened to us, of all people. It was most likely a contaminant and in her 10 years at the hospital she had only seen that about 5 times. Of course it happened to us. Although, if we hadn't requested blood cultures, it wouldn't have happened. She came in to see us before she left for the day and said that if something happened with his IV she would likely cease the antibiotics after 24 hours instead of the full 48 since everything was pointing to a contaminant, although the tests couldn't conclusively tell us that. His second set of blood cultures were negative at 24 hours and he still had no symptoms. His IV did come out and she did stop the antibiotics even though we STILL hadn't heard conclusively. We were beginning to discuss going home on Saturday, but since hadn't heard back about the bacteria, she suggested we stay the full 96 hours. They ended up having to send the sample off to another lab on Monday to do some fancy checking on before they finally, conclusively determined that it was a contaminant. Whew! That was some additional stress that we could've done without!
Even through that experience, I saw God working a lot throughout our delivery and hospital stay. The simple fact I made it that long (37.4 weeks) was a huge way God worked. The MFM that attended my delivery was one of my favorite doctors I saw throughout my pregnancy. He was a Fellow and the first one I saw as an MFM patient. He is on Baron's birth certificate and even came to see me when I went for my post-partum check-up although he wasn't in clinic that day. He also went by the waiting room after delivery and told our families and friends that Baron was here and great and I was great. Having that continuity of care isn't guaranteed at a hospital like that. In addition, the pediatrician was amazing! Also, I never took anything stronger than ibprophen for my pain, after the initial doses of morphine, which was very different from Leah's c-section. I had been very concerned about bonding with Baron, although I didn't express this concern to anyone. I was so adamant about the skin-to-skin for this reason. But, there was nothing to have been concerned about, I bonded and attached to him immediately. I also had a great experience getting him to nurse and he's continued to do fabulously!
Thanks to everyone for your prayers throughout this pregnancy and delivery. I wouldn't have made it without them, without my friends and family that listened to my crazy and encouraged me, or without my counselor that just let me cry on her couch as I would finally let ALL my crazy out.
We are overjoyed with our healthy and happy baby boy!